This hyper-secure luxury phone will protect you from close calls

20, March, 2023


XOR’s latest generation of specced-up, tricked-out and sleekly-designed phones feature top privacy and data security standards…

Just how smart is your smartphone? It may have more megapixels than a conventional camera, or be fitted with an obliging, softly-spoken voice assistant — but is it smart enough to keep you and your data protected? Because, in a world where privacy is paramount, a truly ‘smart’ smartphone prioritises personal safety. And that’s why we’ve dialled into the luxurious, leading world of XOR; an ultra-secure cyber start-up based in Britain.

The brand produces mobile phones — but not as we know them. XOR handsets have no touchscreen, no camera, no apps and no games. They’re not ostentatious or ornamented; but rather simple, sleekly-designed devices with a keypad sitting pretty in a titanium and leather case. And yet, with a top protection system and built-in firewalls, these are perhaps the most secure luxury mobile phones on the market.

The businessman is on an XOR phone call

The latest generation, the XOR Titanium X2, is the brand’s best yet. And, while it sounds like something that a superspy or intelligence agent might take on a far-flung assignment, the business benefits are what makes this phone so universally impressive. Because not only does the stripped-back, pared-down design offer an important escape from an overly digital world — it also gives users unparalleled privacy and discretion when it comes to business deals.

It’s the perfect handset for a CEO, or a high-flying freelancer privy to sensitive, restricted information. Every Titanium X2 handset is fitted with active noise cancellation technology, that filters out any background distractions and can turn even the busiest street into a closed conference room. There’s a handy shake-to-lock facility, a unique ringtone designed by award-winning artist Mark Sayfritz — and even an air quality indicator that will inform you of any potential pollutants or toxins around you. 

And that’s before we even touch on the unique ‘XOR-Shield’ system, which powers and protects every Titanium X2 handset, provides users with the very highest level of security. Developed entirely in-house, the software has been created with leading privacy and data security standards and is protected by a hardware-based ‘Root of Trust’ (an ever-dependent piece of firmware found in cryptographic systems).

There’s also Bluetooth capabilities, a SIM firewall and scanner, a baseband firewall and a fake BTS detection system, all of which wrap your phone in an impenetrable web of protection. It’s a seriously smart bit of kit. And, to even further increase the levels of safety and security, each Titanium X2 handset is handcrafted — from start to finish — by one single, highly-skilled artisan; who has been trained in the arts of design and micro-mechanics. 

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